Children and Youth Ministry Mission and Philosophy Statements
I. Background
1. Recognizing that God has preserved a believing remnant of Israel, we are compelled to actively minister to Jewish children and youth.
2. We recognize that the children of the Jewish believing community have unique needs.
3. Jews for Jesus is also committed to extending ministry to these children and their families.
II. Mission Statement
Our children and youth ministry exists to raise up new generations of Jewish believers in Messiah.
III. Philosophy Statement
Our commitments are to:
1. Seek to introduce children and youth within our sphere of influence to Yeshua as Messiah and make disciples of each child and youth to whom we minister. We seek to do this through one-on-one ministry and our CYM programs.
2. Encourage them to take an active role in fulfilling their calling to be a “light to the nations.” This is accomplished through teaching, example and providing opportunities for ministry.
3. Instill in them a biblically-based understanding of their identity as a Jewish believer in Yeshua.
4. Enable them to understand their relationship to both the broader Jewish community and the wider body of Messiah.
5. Build community among these young people and their families.
6. Serve as a resource to families for Jewish life-cycle events, holidays and other celebrations.
7. Maintain a safe, secure and fun environment for children and youth in our care.